Does this Professional Organizer Love the KonMari Method?

    A quick answer: Not so much… You can’t throw a label maker without hitting Marie Kondo and her “spark joy” method of organizing. She’s everywhere these days, from her best-selling books, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up and Spark Joy: An Illustrated Master Class on the Art of Organizing and Tidying Up, to her new READ MORE

Target Dollar Spot Gets You Organized

Who says getting organized has to cost an arm and a leg? I hit the Target dollar section (AKA the “Dollar Spot”) today and found plenty of organizing tools that costs between $1 and $3 each. Here are a few scores for a few bucks: Metal buckets: Just a buck each, they could corral anything READ MORE

Professional Organizing as a Career

People always ask me how I got started as a professional organizer. I like to think it was my calling. I’ve got the entrepreneurial spirit of my grandpa, who was the owner of many, many businesses over the years. (One of which was a carnival rides and treats operation!) But honestly, it wasn’t that difficult READ MORE