Happy Organized Halloween!

halloweenFinally, the day my kids have been anticipating for weeks — Halloween is here! Are your kids in your life excited as well? I’m always trying to pull a little organizing into everything I do, so how can I relate trick or treating to organizing? Well, this is a great opportunity to teach basic sorting skills to young kids. When they get home and dump out their loot, encourage them to categorize and sort. But here’s the trick: Don’t tell them how to sort. Some kids will put all the chocolate bars together, gummy candy off to one side, gum on the other. Others might sort by specific candy type (Snickers, peanut butter cups, licorice, pixie sticks.) Or they could sort by color. Or size (full size vs. mini or bite size). Or alphabetize. Or yummy vs. yucky. No matter how they sort, they are learning good life skills that will help them down the road. When you make a game of it, it’s fun and becomes second nature. Think of all the things you sort in your life. Aren’t you glad you know how? It sure makes life easier. Have a safe, happy and organized Halloween, my spooky friends. 

P.S. I can’t wait to do a little raid of my kids’ candy stash 🙂 Comment below the candy you most raid from your kids Halloween buckets!