Beautiful Bathroom Organizing Tips

Got the winter blahs? A room makeover is a great pick-me-up. The perfect place to start is with your bathroom. In as little as an hour, you can declutter and add a few decorative touches that will make you smile. Here are a few bathroom organizing tips to get you going:


Photos credit: Better Homes & Gardens

Sort & Declutter: Pull out everything and sort into categories. Then toss/recycle expired medicines and cosmetics, tattered towels, and duplicate hair styling appliances. 

Maximize Space: Utilize the space under the sink by using stackable storage containers. Add hooks behind the door or on the wall so everyone has a place to hang towels. If you need to add storage, consider installing shelving on a wall or a free-standing cabinet above the toilet.

Containerize & Assign a Home:  As you place items, group them into their categories, and/or assign a specific place for each member of the household. For example, each person could have one drawer, one basket on the shelf, or one toteable caddy. If you’re grouping by category, you could use baskets, bins, or specific areas on your shelves for easy locating. Corral tub toys in a plastic bucket or toy tray. (See below.) Be sure to label so that everyone knows how to find necessities.

Keep It Safe: Keep the bathroom safe for little ones by storing medications and bathroom cleaning products out of their reach. (Many medications lose effectiveness in the bathroom humidity, so consider placing them in another room.)

Make It Lovely: Counters are easier to clean and look best when uncluttered by oodles of bottles, tubes, and boxes. Keep countertop clutter to a minimum: A bottle of hand soap and lotion on the countertop are must-haves. If you need other daily essentials (like cotton swabs) close-at-hand, display them in a pretty glass jar. Add a decorative element like a plant or small vase of fresh flowers. (Every room in the house can benefit from some flowers or botanicals.) And if you wish, add a small clock to keep you on time. This clear and lovely space will give you inspiration to keep the bathroom neat and tidy throughout the day!