12 Surprising Ways Clutter is Ruining Your Life

Time and again, research has demonstrated that excessive visual and physical stimuli foster mental clutter.  How can you be expected to focus on one task when six other items are nagging with their own needs?  Maybe you’re trying to prep the car for soccer pickup, but its trunk is bogged down with beach gear that READ MORE

Six Steps To Fight Procrastination

Why do we put off until tomorrow what we can do today? Because it’s so darn easy to delay! Follow these simple steps to fight procrastination, and you’ll get your tasks done before you can say, “I’ll do them later.” 1. Make a list of all your current projects. Which ones have been outstanding the longest? Are READ MORE

Make All Five Senses Happy in Your Organized Bedroom

All five senses should be activated in your organized bedroom for maximum rest and relaxation. Here are some tips to make sure your space touches on all five… Remember: While you’re sleeping, keep the bedroom quiet, cool, and dark! Sound: Make it quiet. Remove all electronics from the bedroom so you don’t hear the beeping, ringing, READ MORE

Beautiful Bedroom, Comfy Bed

Your bed should be your most peaceful haven. You spend about a third of your life here, so why not make something that you look forward to visiting each evening? Here are some bedroom decorating tips to help you create a peaceful bed.   Invest in a quality mattress. If you’re waking up with a backache READ MORE

Clean Off Your Desk Day

Monday, January 9th, is National Clean Off Your Desk Day. If your desk is a disaster, consider this fact: The average office worker spends 2000 hours per year at her desk. This space can either be a stressful, headache-inducing mess or a pleasant, easy-to-maintain oasis. Use these tips to clean off your desk, maximize your space, and create READ MORE

So Many Shoes, So Many Storage Options…

Are shoes taking over your home? The key to better organization is knowing your storage options. I recently had the pleasure of writing an article for Wayfair on just this topic. Here is the first tip to corral and contain all types of shoes, from high tops to high heels, and then you can click the READ MORE

Easy Refrigerator Organization Tips

Is your refrigerator a black hole of fuzzy cheese, past-their-prime veggies, and unidentifiable leftovers? It’s time for some easy refrigerator organizing tips. In just a short time, you can take your fridge from funky to fresh! You’ll also get a peek inside my refrigerator as I give it a quick makeover with help from some neat READ MORE

Sneak Peek — Professional Organizer’s Home Office

I love working from home. I mean, really, there is nothing better than being able to work in the comfort of my own house. No commute, no need to dress up, no clock to watch. Just me, my yoga pants, a steaming hot latte, and the quiet I need to run my business.     READ MORE

Paper Overload? Set Up Your Command Center!

What would it feel like to organize your home joyfully? Join our fourth JOY Challenge, and find out! We will be setting up a Household Command Center to help you get a handle on your busy family’s paperwork and activities. If you’re like most people, your kitchen is the hub of your home. Papers come READ MORE

Tips to Get Kids Organized For School

Getting organized is more than eliminating clutter and creating neat storage systems. One of the most important areas of organizing is task management. It’s never too early (or too late) to teach kids how to get and stay organized with schoolwork. The skills they learn now will carry over into high school, college, and ultimately, READ MORE