Quick Make-Up Drawer Makeover

Ready for the quickest organizing makeover ever? This one took ten minutes, and it’s the perfect starter project for the organize-phobic. Here are the simple steps:

  1. Take out everything, grouping items on the counter or floor by category (make-up, skin care, implements/brushes, tooth care, nail care, etc.)
  2. Wipe out the drawer with some spray cleaner.
  3. Grab a garbage can. Survey each group. Now that you can see how many of each item you have, toss out anything old/expired/past its prime. Then, toss out anything you haven’t used in the past six months. If you haven’t worn a nail polish or lipstick in a while, you probably don’t love it anyway. Keep only what you truly use and love.
  4. Put everything back in the drawer. It’s helpful to containerize by category. You can do this with a handy drawer organizer. (This bamboo one was about $12 at World Market.) You can use one big organizer, or smaller boxes fit together to meet your needs. Even small cardboard boxes will do, so long as they are low enough to clear when the drawer is shut.
  5. If you really want to go the extra mile, you could label sections, but that’s only if you’re a Type-A gal.


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Go ahead, tackle this project for yourself today.